stay at home moms is me...
but, while you stay at home then you get almost nothing.. that's not me
that's one of my reason when I walked out home this morning. I walked down to Main St, wind caught us (me n Kirana) all the way down there. not so good for walking, but I insisted
why I should went out so early, while I could be couch potato for my morning. Thanks for Family Wellness Center to bring such a wonderful event, Breakfast Discussion: Mommy Blogging
They provided childcare, while moms were having discussion. I was not really sure if childcare was such a good idea for us, Kirana has never been apart from me (or my husband) for such a long time, for the very first time, 90 minutes without her parents was such a big deal. But, it went so very well. even Kirana didn't want to go home afterward. Thanks Hannah
For the discussion, the tittle was Mommy Blogging.. but, there were 2 gentlemen there.. Aldon n Bill. They were our keynote speakers for the event.
We covered many things, facebook for moms, facebook for kids (especially teenagers), hash tag on twitter, linked-in, even about what your cellphone could do.
As parents of teens, many people aware about facebook for their kids. Terms of service said, you have to be at least 14 of age to have facebook account. Johana who has 14 years old daughter asked about it to Aldon.
Child predators are minor problem when your kids have facebook account. The real "predators" for your kids are their friends. Bullying n sexting are the main issues with teens. Before you allow your kids to engaged with facebook (literally engaged, because they will be addicted to facebook), you have to know about the kids' personalization. Are they kind of stand up for bullying, or kind of easily surrender (did I use the right word?)? How far they value themselves is also the important things. Please make sure that they're not easily give their naked pics to someone else, even when it's someone whom they get crush on. (it's hard, I believe)
If you think that your kids is responsible for themselves (it's the most important!), why not for facebook account. But, still you have to accompany them while they have their date with facebook. Make some rules about the facebooking time, otherwise facebook will make your kids into their rules (yay, the power of facebook!)
and now, session for yourself moms
it's social media... being in social media means it's social.
like others which refer to "social", it also has some side-effects to your real life.
If you're a teacher, then some of your students add you as a friend in facebook.. that's so nice, right? seems like you' re a lovable teacher
but, not until someone from board of education look at your facebook, then find out beer on your underage students. your job is something you have to deal it with. an epic catastrophe for your job could happen (I know, I'm hyperbolic!!)
Have you ever heard about second life?
when someone is online, some of them has their second life.
I do confessing myself about it!! I can be in front of computer for about 10 hours a day, just for facebooking, blogging, streaming 'n mostly chatting. yahoo messenger, gtalk, facebook chat, skype, mostly available in the same time
how far does your second life involve in your real life?
do you know, most of the farmville player are young moms, late 20s to mid 30s of age?
they prefer to plow 'n have cattle in facebook account, not in the real life. while you have more chit-chat with your "farm-neighbor" instead of you real neighbor, that's another point of second life.
let's count, which one is most often.. you have fun virtually (going to mall, cinema, getting date) or you do it in you real life?
I love going to mall, looking at sale makes me high... trying everything I could, but I buy none
at least, having large iced latte is a must 
being online makes new friend. I'm on it. after you makes friend, you will always want to meet your new friends (not for everyone, but for me.. I really want to catch up with my friends all over the world
having friend means you can learn something from them. I was so glad that I could help someone in the discussion about facebook.. even it's like facebok 101.. but I was glad that I can help
(am I a facebook master? not really, I'm just addicted
you don't have to travel to far far east, if you want to watch about tsunami...
that's the power of youtube!!!
you don't have to meet strangers for your lunch.. just look at your friends' foursquare..
catch up there, then warm hug is a bonus
So moms,
don't worry about being lonely
someone else cares about you

but, while you stay at home then you get almost nothing.. that's not me

that's one of my reason when I walked out home this morning. I walked down to Main St, wind caught us (me n Kirana) all the way down there. not so good for walking, but I insisted

why I should went out so early, while I could be couch potato for my morning. Thanks for Family Wellness Center to bring such a wonderful event, Breakfast Discussion: Mommy Blogging

They provided childcare, while moms were having discussion. I was not really sure if childcare was such a good idea for us, Kirana has never been apart from me (or my husband) for such a long time, for the very first time, 90 minutes without her parents was such a big deal. But, it went so very well. even Kirana didn't want to go home afterward. Thanks Hannah

For the discussion, the tittle was Mommy Blogging.. but, there were 2 gentlemen there.. Aldon n Bill. They were our keynote speakers for the event.
We covered many things, facebook for moms, facebook for kids (especially teenagers), hash tag on twitter, linked-in, even about what your cellphone could do.
As parents of teens, many people aware about facebook for their kids. Terms of service said, you have to be at least 14 of age to have facebook account. Johana who has 14 years old daughter asked about it to Aldon.
Child predators are minor problem when your kids have facebook account. The real "predators" for your kids are their friends. Bullying n sexting are the main issues with teens. Before you allow your kids to engaged with facebook (literally engaged, because they will be addicted to facebook), you have to know about the kids' personalization. Are they kind of stand up for bullying, or kind of easily surrender (did I use the right word?)? How far they value themselves is also the important things. Please make sure that they're not easily give their naked pics to someone else, even when it's someone whom they get crush on. (it's hard, I believe)
If you think that your kids is responsible for themselves (it's the most important!), why not for facebook account. But, still you have to accompany them while they have their date with facebook. Make some rules about the facebooking time, otherwise facebook will make your kids into their rules (yay, the power of facebook!)
and now, session for yourself moms

it's social media... being in social media means it's social.
like others which refer to "social", it also has some side-effects to your real life.
If you're a teacher, then some of your students add you as a friend in facebook.. that's so nice, right? seems like you' re a lovable teacher

but, not until someone from board of education look at your facebook, then find out beer on your underage students. your job is something you have to deal it with. an epic catastrophe for your job could happen (I know, I'm hyperbolic!!)
Have you ever heard about second life?
when someone is online, some of them has their second life.
I do confessing myself about it!! I can be in front of computer for about 10 hours a day, just for facebooking, blogging, streaming 'n mostly chatting. yahoo messenger, gtalk, facebook chat, skype, mostly available in the same time

how far does your second life involve in your real life?
do you know, most of the farmville player are young moms, late 20s to mid 30s of age?
they prefer to plow 'n have cattle in facebook account, not in the real life. while you have more chit-chat with your "farm-neighbor" instead of you real neighbor, that's another point of second life.
let's count, which one is most often.. you have fun virtually (going to mall, cinema, getting date) or you do it in you real life?
I love going to mall, looking at sale makes me high... trying everything I could, but I buy none

being online makes new friend. I'm on it. after you makes friend, you will always want to meet your new friends (not for everyone, but for me.. I really want to catch up with my friends all over the world

having friend means you can learn something from them. I was so glad that I could help someone in the discussion about facebook.. even it's like facebok 101.. but I was glad that I can help

you don't have to travel to far far east, if you want to watch about tsunami...
that's the power of youtube!!!
you don't have to meet strangers for your lunch.. just look at your friends' foursquare..
catch up there, then warm hug is a bonus
So moms,
don't worry about being lonely
someone else cares about you

1 comment:
"while you stay at home then you get almost nothing."
Well, not really. I stay at home most of the time but look what I got...a lot :)
Thanks to internet.
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